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Hotels and attractions in Gothenburg

  • First Hotels offers a hotel in Gothenburg; centrally located First Hotel G at the Central Station, Göteborg - the Swedish name of Gothenburg - Sweden’s second largest city, is undergoing a transformation from industrial seaport to contemporary cultural and international sports venue.

    The city has gained an international reputation for innovative cuisine using local produce, mainly north Atlantic fish and shellfish. With its convenient size, friendly atmosphere and multitude of sights and attractions not least for children, Gothenburg is an ideal destination for those travelling with the family. Popular family attractions are the amusment park Liseberg, the science center Universeum and to take a city tour with the Paddan boats.

Our hotels in Gothenburg

  • Executive and Deluxe room. Image.
    Nils Ericsonsplatsen 4, 411 03 Gothenburg
    Order room
    First Hotel G is centrally located right by Gothenburg Central Station. The hotel offers a fantastic stay with 300 comfortable, spacious rooms and suites.

    Get ready for the day with our delicious breakfast, before exploring the wide selection of attractions nearby, such as Liseberg Amusement Park, The Opera House, Universeum, Haga, good shopping and restaurants. Work out in our well-equipped gym or relax in the sauna with views of the train tracks. Enjoy quality Swedish food with an...

Attractions in Gothenburg