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First Hotel Kokoloko

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First Hotel Kokoloko

Brand New Hotel In Visby, Gotland

First Hotel Kokoloko opened its doors for the first time in June 2019, and is located in Visby on the holiday island of Gotland. The hotel has a unique design featuring swimming pool, Jacuzzi, sauna, an outdoor bar and parking outside the entrance. Several of the rooms are equipped with kitchens and can accommodate up to seven people.

The hotel is located 800 metres from the ferry terminal and within a few minutes’ walk of central Visby. From the hotel, you can easily reach restaurant, beaches, the congress center Wisby Strand Congress & Events, the amusement and waterpark Kneippbyn and one of Sweden’s finest golf courses, at Visby Golf Club.

  • Breakfast Included
  • Free WiFi
  • Pool & Golf
  • Apartments
  • Cash Free Hotel


  • Breakfast Included
  • Free WiFi
  • Pool & Golf
  • Apartments
  • Cash Free Hotel

Map pin icon Söderväg 56 A, 621 58 Visby

  • 24,4 km to Visby Golf Club

  • 1,3 km to Visby City Wall

  • 800 m to Ferry Terminal

  • 6 km to Visby Airport

Conference and meeting in Visby near the ferry terminal

Are you planning to arrange a conference or a meeting in Visby? First Hotel Kokoloko offers two different conference options for up to 85 people, only 800 meters from the ferry terminal and close to Visby's city center. From Visby Airport it takes about 10 minutes by car.

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  • restaurant


    85 people

    In our airy conference facility Orangeriet (The Orangery), you will enjoy an inspiring environment with scenic views. The room, which has large windows with natural daylight, seats up to 85 people in auditorium seating. Orangeriet is perfect for conferences, events and private funtions.

    You alse enjoy the opportunity to package the conference with breakfast, coffee, dinners and overnight stays.

    Email us at and we will help you tailor your event to your wishes.

  • John Hill

    Our smaller conference room can accommodate up to 10 people and has a sea view, providing an inspiring environment for creative work.

    Contact us and we will tailor an offer to your needs.

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