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Hotel deals, offers and packages

Offers from our hotels

Here you find local offers from all our hotels in Norway, Sweden and Denmark. Use the filter to perform a specific search.

  • A couple holding each other

    Romance in The City | Oslo

    Get away from your everyday normal, and relight the fire with a romantic getaway at First Hotel Millennium.

    Order package From NOK 1095 per person and night
  • Show Wallmans Salonger. Image.

    Wallmans Salonger Show Package in Oslo

    Experience a star-studded evening at Wallmans Salonger and stay in the heart of central Oslo. Accommodation, dinner, and a show for two, along with the hotel's delicious and tasty breakfast buffet, are included.

    Order package From NOK 1995 per person and night
  • Golf Stay

    Make something more out of your golf stay. Stay at First Hotel Grand in the heart of Odense and enjoy some of the best golf courses in Denmark.

    Order package From DKK 2.585, - pr. person
  • Grand Weekend

    Come together in the atmospheric First Hotel Grand. We have prepared a fantastic weekend getaway perfectly suited for guests traveling with friends and family.
    Enjoy the many cultural experiences and bespoke shopping opportunities Odense has to offer.

    Order package Stay 2 persons from: DKK 2.125,-
  • facade

    Grand City Break

    At First Hotel Grand in Odense we are proud to introduce an attractive leisure package designed to accommodate the modern traveler.

    Order package Stay for 2 persons from: DKK 1.975,-
  • Golf Getaway

    Swing by First Hotel Grand, for at weekend of golfing joy. Your large room have ample space for at set of winning cubs and the chefs at Grand's Fiskerestaurant have prepared a 3-course feast for the champions of the green.

    Order package From DKK 1.225,50 pr. person
  • restaurant

    Grand Summer Deal

    We have put together a summer offer for two nights with breakfast and a 3-course evening experience at Grand’s fiskerestaurant; in short, everything you need for a relaxing and inspiring summer vacation in the city.

    Order package Stay 2 nights with breakfast and a dinner in the restaurant from DKK 1,545 per person.
  • Adventure Pool Package

    Welcome to First Hotel Statt in Örnsköldsvik. Brighten the day for you and your family with a stay at the hotel and a visit to the water park Paradiset.

    Order package From SEK 1799 for 2 adults per night