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Accommodation in Solna

Credit card used for prepayment of the room, must be presented at check-in.

Book accommodation and stay at First Hotel Solna, 9 minutes from Stockholm city, in our bright and modern rooms. At First Hotel Solna, you can choose between different room types such as single, double, superior rooms and rooms for disabled guests.

All rooms are non-smoking, have comfortable beds from the quality brand Ekornes Svane, flat screen TVs and free WiFi. The bathrooms are tiled and has a shower. Parking is available in the house at reduced prices. The elevator from the parking garage goes directly to the front desk. Breakfast is included in the price.

Room selection and price example

Moderate Single, from 1,278 SEK

Room fits:
Size: 8 m²
The Moderate Single Rooms range in size from 8m². They have no windows yet appear spacious. They are appointed with a 90cm wide bed from Ekornes Svane, a flat-screen TV and offer a bathroom with shower.
Bed and capacity
One 90cm wide bed from Ekornes Svane.

Standard Single, from 1,188 SEK

Room fits:
Size: 10 m²
The Standard Single Rooms range in size from 10m² and are furnished with a 90cm wide quality single bed from Ekornes Svane.
Bed and capacity
One 90cm wide quality single bed from Ekornes Svane.

Standard Double, from 1,468 SEK

Room fits:
Size: 15 m²
The Standard Double Rooms range from 15m² in size and are furnished with 90cm wide separable twin beds arranged as a double bed. The rooms are appointed with a flat-screen TV and a bathroom with shower.
Bed and capacity
Two 90cm wide separable twin beds that can be arranged as a double bed.

Standard Double with Kitchenette, from 1,943 SEK

Room fits:
Size: 20m²
The Standard Double with Kitchenette ranges in size from 20m² and are furnished with 90cm wide separable twin beds arranged as a double bed. The rooms are appointed with a flat-screen TV and a bathroom with shower.
Ministudio First Hotel SolnaMinistudio First Hotel SolnaMinistudio First Hotel Solna

Superior Double with Kitchenette, from 2,323 SEK

Room fits:
Size: 20m²
The Superior Double with Kitchenette range in size from 20m² and are furnished with 90cm wide separable twin beds arranged as a double bed. The rooms are appointed with a flat-screen TV and a bathroom with shower.
Pentry First Hotel SolnaPentry First Hotel SolnaPentry First Hotel SolnaPentry First Hotel SolnaPentry First Hotel SolnaPentry First Hotel Solna