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Conference and meeting in Kristianstad

Book a conference or event in the heart of Kristianstad at First Hotel Christian IV. Events can either be hosted at the hotel or at external partner venues. Our meeting rooms are modern and fully equipped.

At the hotel, you can choose between full and half-day conference deals as well as packages with overnight stays. Contact us for further information on hosting your event in Kristianstad.

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  • Conference room Wä. Image.

    25 people

    Wä is the hotel's living room that can be used for several different occasions. It is perfect for creative meetings, but also for board meetings, parties, or smaller lectures.

    Size: 35 m²

    • Cinema seating: 25 people
    • Classroom: 20 people
    • Board meeting: 16 people
  • Conference room Skepparslöv. Image.


    20 people

    Conference room with parquet flooring and high ceilings. It is suitable for training and lectures for smaller groups.

    Size: 25 m²

    • Cinema seating: 20 people
    • Classroom: 16 people
    • Board meeting: 14 people
  • Conference room Christianstadsrummet. Image.


    8 people

    Group room with parquet flooring and high ceilings. Table for 8 people. No equipment. A nice environment close to the breakfast area and is suitable as a workspace or smaller room for job interviews, development discussions, or if you want to be able to work undisturbed.

    Size 10 m²

    • Board meeting: 8 people