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When booking more than six rooms, please contact the hotel directly. Special booking terms may apply.


Skårungen’s amazing location by the open sea and fjord with beautiful nature on all sides makes the place perfect for hosting events of all kinds, including weddings, parties and work meetings. Here you can combine meetings and private functions with a range of activities both at our own destination and in the local area.

We offer fully-equipped meeting facilities and serve everything from delicious breakfasts and lunches to dinners and snacks. We will be happy to tailor your event to requirements and wishes.

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  • Conference room. Photo.


    40 people

    Let us host your next conference or business meeting. Our conference room seats up to 40 persons. There is a new projector and the layout of the room can be adapted to requirement.

    In association with our restaurant, we offer drinks and snacks and serve delicious breakfasts, warm lunches and dinners.