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Food & Beverage

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When booking more than six rooms, please contact the hotel directly. Special booking terms may apply.

Breakfast Included

Breakfast Included

Breakfast is always included when you stay at First Hotel Breiseth. We also have various options, if you have any food allergies. Contact us to get more information. 

For updated breakfast times and more information, see here.

Are you not an overnight guest, but still want a delicious hotel breakfast? You're always welcome!

Please contact us in advance and reserve:

Our breakfast buffet is served

  • Weekdays 06:30-09:30
  • Weekends & holidays 08:00-10:30

Afternoon tea. Image.

Afternoon Tea

First Hotel Breiseth turns 125 years old, which we will celebrate. As part of the 125th anniversary, we are offering four days with Afternoon Tea.

There will be sweet and salty temptations served in three tiered dishes, a glass of prosecco, tea and entertainment.